Thursday, January 10, 2013

Losing Weight on the Cheap

When it comes to getting fit/losing weight, I think it's unnecessary to join a weight loss plan or a gym. There's plenty of free or low cost options available. To be honest, I've wasted $40 a month at a gym I never went to. And was on a $30 a month system to eat right. That's $70 a month, $840 a year to do something I could do on my own with enough motivation. Anybody want to spend that $840 a year on something else? I do!
So this year, with a weight loss goal in mind, I'm doing it the free way. To track my calories, I have an app, MyFitnessPal. It's simple and it makes tracking my calories a snap. I can also enter my weight every week to track my progress.

For my workouts, I was very lucky to get a free used treadmill from my grandparents. A wonderful to have the option to be inside when it's so cold outside. For those without gym equipment, workout DVDs and console games are a great option. Nike also offers a free app, Nike Training Club, with videos and training tips. And there's always the local trail or school track. Get creative with it! There's plenty you can do to get your heart pumping for no cost.

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