Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Experiencing Your Saved Pennies

I had an idea the other day for saving as I'm apt to do. I received a renewal notice for a magazine I enjoy. I was just about to check the "Bill Me Later" box and mail the postcard. Then I realized while I like the magazine I usually give it a quick once over and never look at it again. Is that glance worth $20? Can I get that info somewhere else? Is the print business dying? Yes. Yes. Yes (my sympathies).

Friday, January 18, 2013

Putting in the Time - part two

This is a continuation of my last post as it was starting to get too long. Picking up from where we left off…

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Putting in the Time - part one

I wish saving money just came to us by osmosis. That companies would reward you for your loyalty by reducing your payments over time. That the best deal available was laid out in front of you in a clear way and you could simply choose. And while I'm at it, that money grew on trees – specifically in my backyard.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Losing Weight on the Cheap

When it comes to getting fit/losing weight, I think it's unnecessary to join a weight loss plan or a gym. There's plenty of free or low cost options available. To be honest, I've wasted $40 a month at a gym I never went to. And was on a $30 a month system to eat right. That's $70 a month, $840 a year to do something I could do on my own with enough motivation. Anybody want to spend that $840 a year on something else? I do!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

52-Week Money Saving Challenge

This idea is something a co-worker brought to my attention to this morning and it's gone viral. Probably because it's such a simple and fun way to save money. The challenge is to put a manageable amount of money into savings each week. $1 for week 1, $2 for week get the point. So at end year-end you would have $1378 if you've contributed every week for a year. A perfect amount for Christmas/Holiday spending or just a nice cushion to your savings account.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

An Introduction

The beginning of the year. A clean slate. A great time to start a collection of thoughts, ideas and challenges to save even money in big and small ways. It's something I've been doing for 7 years and am always striving to save even more. That's why I was inspired to start this blog.